วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Prima Baby Doll: The safe, award-winning Manhattan Toys Baby Stella

Since the mouth as the children explore the world, security is extremely important when buying a child's first doll. Although there are many dolls on the market, it is difficult, that only safe, but do not look good. If you're tired of searching for the doll does not look right more. Baby Stella Manhattan Toy is a safe and pleasant. It has no moving parts or small parts of a child to choke. In addition to safety, is one ofsweet, cuddley baby dolls I have ever seen.

With the touch of her braided hair, big eyes, innocent expression and magnetic pacifier, is irresistibly adorable. Unlike other dolls with hard plastic parts, have a material beanlike Center filled with arms, legs and head of solid foam. Therefore, it is cuddley and mobile. With the skin soft, your child will love to touch and hold.

In 2006 she was awarded the Gold Award in 2007 and Open Homeit was a 3-star Award Canadian Toy Testing Council. Baby Stella is in five different models. There is also a boy doll available. In addition, it has a lot of fun, play-related accessories. Do not buy your child a doll, the toy box is a will to be buried or hidden in a dark closet. Baby Stella is a doll of your child love to love. That is perfect for Christmas, birthday or a surprise baby Stella for each child.

