วันเสาร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Clean Up A Really Big Mess

Sometimes we find ourselves in a mess. A child in the room, a garage or a closet, the impression that he recently had a very strong wind here. As we look at the toys, pieces of toys, books, dolls, clothes, sports equipment, waste, etc. scattered about the room, we wonder where to start? The problem most have heard of us, dead in our tracks. In fact, there is a precise place to start, no matter what kind of mess you are.

First, obtainlarge trash bag.

Second, start from a single type of item. For example, in the room of a child - Start by putting all of one type of toy (doll clothes, action figures, Lego, etc.) we all have this kind of spot where it belongs. If you have no space for them, involving them in a heap, a can of plastic or a plastic bag. If you throw away damaged items beyond repair - it. If you encounter during the collection of waste one of the elements - you throw it out.

TakeAgenda and continues until all the types of products are removed or it is all sorted by type. If your space is limited you must enter your product name in the hall in another room or when entry to the garage. You can also use one of those clear plastic shoe holder on the door and connect it to the door of the room where you work. Making small items in these pockets, and this prevents them from getting lost themselves.

If you do not have space for your orderItems needed to create a little '. As already through the consolidation process should make it easier to continue.

This method works for cabinets, files, garage - totally out of place that has become chaotic and out of control. If your mess is closely files and documents to buy a package of large folders inexpensive. You can sort the documents into files of Manila and temporarily store boxes of paper files.

